Category 3

10 Tips for your Office/Commercial Move

Office / Commercial moves can be hard work with a lot of pre-planning, time and commitment. However, this is where we can help! With our removal tips, you can expect an easier and more efficient move to save yourself significant time, money, and stress.

1. Get the Timings Right
Our Removal Team will work with you to determine a moving timeline that works best and within budget. What’s more, we will do everything we can to get you all moved in, set up and ready to go as quickly and efficiently as possible. At Jaizek Removals, we don’t want you to lose business because of a relocation. Great service and making office moves easier what we’re all about!

2. Pack Your Tech Systematically
Office computers mishandled or misplaced technology could be your downfall when it comes to commercial moves. So, one of the things you need to prioritise is packaging and labelling your technology properly. This will help ensure your office can resume normal work as soon as possible.

Have each employee unplug all wires belonging to them, placing them together on their desk. Then assign the technical department the job of packing everything. This will ensure all technical equipment is properly packed and can be easily sorted out upon arrival at the news office.

3. Appoint a Move Manager & a Professional Removal Company
Office / Commercial moves have numerous factors which, if not handled correctly, could easily go wrong. It’s therefore important to designate a move Manager to facilitate and follow up each step ensuring things are progressing. Coupled with a business removal expert, your move is guaranteed to be a smooth success. Our movers at Jaizek tackle every commercial move safely and efficiently. Don’t trust just anyone to move your office, hire the best in the business!

4. Label During the Packing Process
A top tip for any move is to label everything during the packing process. Labelling boxes saves huge amounts of time, ensuring we know whose boxes are whose. Labelling everything aso means less stress trying to sort everything when you arrive at your new office. So, save yourself significant time by properly labelling your employees’ things in this way:

  • Itemise boxes
  • Write the desk / room number for each box
  • Put boxes in packing order so you get the important things out first
    5. Take Time to Plan Your Move
    As soon as you’re confident you will be securing your new building, start planning your move. Most commercial spaces are large and require a lot of organising and prep work in advance of moving. From booking moving services and packing, to facilitating down times, there is so much to think about for your office day. Take the time to plan ahead so that your move is as stress-free as possible.

    6. Budget for Your Move
    When moving into a new office space, costs can quickly mount up. Unfortunately, it can be very easy for budgets to be overshot due to delays, oversights, and unexpected problems arising. However, setting a moving budget can ensure you’re covered for the majority of complications and perhaps even a few surprises as well.
    It is important to work out the full cost of your office relocation before committing to anything. This step alone could save you from making the wrong decision and jeopardising your employees’ salaries on unexpected costs. Our team at Jaizek Removals would be more than happy to shed light on any points you may not have considered. We move hundreds of people every day, so we know a lot about what to think about and plan for!

    7. Encourage Everyone to Pack Their Own Desks
    Pulling off a successful office/commercial move is time-consuming and can be stressful. That is why we strongly advise you make the job easier by assigning employees the job of packing their own desks and labelling what’s theirs. It is a huge help having your employees pack their own desks. Just try to encourage them not to pack everything right at the last minute!

    8. Communicate All Plans with Your Employees
    This is one of the main things that will make your move so much easier – communicating with your staff. After announcing the office move, sit down and talk with your employees on the plans. Communicating early helps the team feel involved and lets everyone prepare well in advance.

    9. Maintain productivity
    Maintaining productivity during an office move can often be difficult, however, it’s important to keep spirits high and focused. Start packing non-essential items early and devise a detailed floor plan of where everything will go in the new office to ensure tasks aren’t left to the last-minute. Prior to the move, sit down with department managers to discuss move-related workflow strategies. This can be particularly important if there are deadlines falling within the moving time period.

    10. Make a Moving Checklist
    This checklist must include any tasks to be done ahead, during and after the move. The more detailed the better! At Jaizek Removals, we are experts in all types of domestic and commercial moves. That’s why we’ve taken the time to write everything we’ve learnt about office/commercial moves over our 10 years of removals experience.